About Me

When I'm not coding, you can find me on hangouts, online gaming, or brewing a perfect cup of tea. You can find my resume here...


Frontend Development

React, Next.js, VanillaJS, Tailwind CSS, Bootstrap, ShadcnUI, NextUI

Backend Development

Node.js, Bun, Express, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Docker, Redis, Payload CMS


Intern Web Developer at KCA University

2023 - Present

Configure Switch using SolarWinds Network Configuration manager(NCM) to assign ip addresses to ip phones.Installing and setting up Ubuntu servers using ubuntu apache to be used as on premise servers.Designing School website to make it more user friendly and easy to navigate.

Web Developer Tutor

2021 - 2023

I started my career as a junior web developer where I learned the basics of web development and worked on several projects using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.After I taught students via zoom meetings to design,code,test and maintain web applications.


Bachelor of Science in Software Development

KCA UNIVERSITY - 2022 - 2025